How Can You Link Business Strategy With Innovation?

Rohit Prabhakar
2 min readApr 27, 2022

Several managements specify different regulations for their business innovation method. These are principles that leaders desire to, strive for, and determine as essential to their success. Innovation in Business Strategy is a clearly expressed plan of action that a person or team must take to achieve the growth and sustainability objectives of the organization. Innovations aim to build real value, such as new resolutions to industrial change or to manage emerging social, health, or economic challenges. A procedure is a plan that appropriately explains how you will make your vision a fact. Let’s discuss how you can link business strategy with innovation.

How to Align Innovation with Business Objectives

When both new and commercial goals communicate equally, are widely developed, and are completely concerned, culture naturally exists that promotes your alignment between the two. In this tradition, ground-based business objectives are communicated to the entire organization so that all levels are focused on addressing short-term and long-term business objectives. Then it is the responsibility of new entrepreneurs to direct their activities to support business goals.

There are several natural ways to combine these two areas. The joint development of technology/product and business pathways promotes dialogue and debate, creating action-driven communication. Internal business and technology exhibitions highlight short-term success while elevating the visibility of long-term opportunities.

How to Get Senior Management Commitment

Senior executives should be able to buy into the project by understanding that investing in money, time, and resources will lead to more significant influence than other proposals that cause similar resources. The founder must be able to show at a reasonable level that the business investment will produce specific purposes within the specified timeframes. Senior management needs immediate commitment to the project or transfers it to foster a culture of creativity.

How do you get Management to Commit Resources?

Resource commitment will be a primary challenge unless you already have a rewarding culture for innovating and not working. I have a story of a senior colleague who wanted to make a change that could change the services offered by his company. The strategy was well thought out and sustained. When it came time for the budget, he found it OK to convince others to give him money from their advertising and marketing budgets. So he had to convince his marketing partners not to advertise. That would not have happened because the annual marketing objectives had to meet.

Final Words

Your idea of ​​a more profitable company, product, or customer value may sound obvious, but the form you get is not always that easy. Faced with market trends, changes in consumer preferences, new technologies, and disruptive competitors, companies will need Innovation in Business Strategy to stay on track. By following the above-discussed strategies, you can comfortably stay in a profit zone.



Rohit Prabhakar

Rohit Prabhakar Is a well-experienced professional B2B marketing leader, leading enterprise digital strategy, digital marketing, demand generation, paid media,